Academia – Families – Business
In Solidarity


“Investment in human capital breeds economic success not only for those being educated, but also for the overall economy…investment in early childhood development yields an extraordinary return, far exceeding the return on most investments, private or public.”

Arthur J. Rolnick and Rob Grunewald, Federal Reserve Bank


Without adequate quality childcare, [working] is difficult to
impossible...Perpetually distracted, un-easy, therefore un-productive”

Chinelle Duncan, Mother of three

(Any Mom, Any Dad, Anywhere)


“High Quality Early Care and Education…critical infrastructure for
economic developmentIt is an Investment with a high public return:

Children: Future workforce
Parents: Current workforce and employers
Regions (community): Early Childhood Education is an important
economic sector.

It is KEY to a quality business environment, in developing our knowledge
driven creative economy, and in attracting and retaining younger workers”

Professor Mildred Warner, Cornell University

Linking Economic Development and Child Care Research Project